Scienze dell'Educazione, Scienze Pedagogiche, Educatore Professionale socio-pedagogico, Laurea Magistrale, Psicologia dello Sviluppo, Pastorale Giovanile, Scienze Religiose ISSR, Insegnare Religione,
Teachers and Experts in Religious Educationtorna su
Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Education
promotes the acquisition of basic knowledge and skills in theology and educational sciences. It prepares students for work in the field of religious education in religious organisations and educational institutions, including multicultural and multi-religious contexts. It prepares students for further specialisation in Pedagogy and Didactis of Religion and in Catechetics and Youth Ministry.
Master’s Degree in Catechetics and Youth Ministry
trains experts in catechetics and youth ministry: researchers, teachers, trainers, and professionals qualified in the process of evangelization and religious education, with particular focus on the younger generations.
Master’s Degree in Pedagogy and Didactics of Religion
trains teachers to teach the Catholic religion in schools of all levels and types.
At the end of the course of study, graduates can find work as: teachers of religious education in every type and level of school; lecturers for in-service training courses and for continuing education; educators of aspects of religion for the new generations; qualified youth ministry workers paying particular attention to the educational mission of the school; tutors for internships related to the teaching of the Catholic religion.